What role do artists and the arts have in worship?
Artists and artistic expression have been around since the beginning. God himself being an artist, created us in His image which means each of us have creative, artistic capabilities. He has, however uniquely gifted some with gifts above the norm. Old Testament figures like Bezalel and Oholiab (Ex31) and King David (the Psalms) are clear examples of artist called to bring beauty into the world through their art. They contributed directly to the settings of worship before Christ. Christ himself was clearly artistic. He creatively used stories and parables to convey His message and he sang songs. Throughout the history of the church, the arts have played a vital, though sometimes improper role. Artists are worshipers. But this does not mean they should just create religious art. It means that all of their work (and lives) should be an act of worship, inside and outside of the church walls. Artistic expression should reach into the marketplace, the classroom and home, as well as the church. (See below for more resources)
Artistic expression in the Church's corporate worship has gone through seasons of over emphasis and under emphasis, even prohibition. It has at times been valued only for utilitarian purposes or allowed to bring worldliness into our services. Many churches and ministries have no idea how to handle the arts or artists. They see the world's almost idolatrous (or truly idolatrous) handling of certain artists and fear engaging with any artists or bringing any of their art into their services. The truth however, is that artistic expression is God's gift to us and when it is done with His values and heart, it can impact people in ways nothing else can.
The key again, is to look at what the Scriptures really teach and with wisdom allow artistic expression to flourish in the unique ways in which God has gifted each church. God wanted artistic expression in the Tabernacle and Temple, He wanted it in the communication of His word in multiple ways - through songs, poetry, stories, dramas, and visual arts (even clothing!) He told Moses that He wanted artistic expression in His tabernacle, "for beauty." God values the beauty the arts bring and so should we. He created us to appreciate and be move by the arts and He uses it for His holy purposes. I've written more about this in my book, "The Authentic Musician." I summarize my chapter on the purpose of the arts stating:
"Music and the arts are valuable gifts from God, for the expression of our hearts, the encouragement of others and the pleasure of God." (The Authentic Musician, chapter 4)
Keep delving into this topic especially if you're an artist or leader in the church. God has gifted artists and given us the arts to help expand His kingdom and build up His church. Let's not de-value this precious gift!
Further Reading:
Art and the Bible by Francis Schaeffer
The Authentic Musician by John Haddix