Authentic Artist Resources

Worshiping in truth...

Is worship all about church services?

  • Is worship all about church services?

When most people talk about worship, they think of a Sunday church or religious service. Is that really what we're talking about? Does that encompass the full meaning of worship? Absolutely not. Our culture may definite it that way and for many it is just an activity or event they attend on Sunday and forget the rest of the week. This puts worship into a box for which it was never intended. We've boxed it up and set it aside only to be opened in times of crises or special holidays. Thus the church fails to fulfill its purpose and the world suffers for lack of authentic worship and worshipers - people who worship in intimacy with God and service for Him.

As was explained earlier, Biblical worship broadly covers three areas:
- our personal relationship, praise and adoration of God (John 4:23)
- our service as acts of worship to God (Romans 12:1,2)
- our corporate expressions of praise and adoration of God as the body of Christ (1Corinthians 14:26)

Worship is about all of life. It is how we respond to what God has revealed about Himself and what He has done through the gospel. Because the gospel transforms all areas of life, worship becomes our heart attitude whether we're in a church service, washing our car or working. Another way to put it is that worship is foundational to the Christian world-view. It informs all other aspect of life - our relationships, our work, our play, our thought life, our entertainment, our small and big decisions. It is nothing short of allowing Christ to be Lord over all of our lives and letting His word transform our minds and actions.

Do we fail at worship? Absolutely. But God, in His grace and mercy, calls us back, forgives and restores us when we repent. Once we realize we were created to worship Him and are most fulfilled knowing and worshiping Him, we don't want to settle for anything less! It's a battle and the stakes are high, but its worth it because God's glory is worth it.