Why is worship important?
If you're wondering why there is such a discussion over worship these days you're not alone. Worship marks every culture and community. It is part of the DNA of humankind. And the reason for this is closely linked to 2 other questions: "Why am I here?" and "Who or What created me and the world?" These are two of the most important question we can ever ask. For most of us, I suspect the first answers we got or "caught" were from our parents, relatives or teachers. And we just accepted them. As we get older, we realize there are many different answers to these questions and major forces begin to either dissuade or persuade us toward one direction or another. Sometimes we choose an answer that is convenient, or popular. Other times, we delve deep into a philosophy or world view because of our own pain or in an honest search.
As basic as these questions are to our DNA, the drive to worship is just as strong. Our worship is a response to these questions and we naturally seek our "god's" help and favor. Also, since other truths are self-evident such as our impending death and emptiness, our drive to self-destruct, or violently wield power, plus a slue of other issues, we develop out own philosophy of life. Whatever we think has the ultimate worth in our heart or values, is our "god" and this response is our worship. The question is, "Is my worship based on the truth or a lie?"
Our worship is our response to what we hold to be ultimately true.
You may say, "There is no ultimate truth," but notice that you are actually stating what you believe to be an ultimate truth: "There is no truth." We really can't get around this question if we're honest. The Christian answer to this says that truth actually came to us in a person - Jesus Christ. And he not only taught and lived the truth, but backed up his claims by rising from the dead - something no other religious leader, political leader or teacher has ever done. Christians have good reason to stand strong. The historical evidence is overwhelming. The gospel is God's answer to our search and He continually points us to its truth. The gospel answers our greatest need - to be restored to a personal relationship with God.
So why is worship important? Because it is an irrepressible response to what you believe to have ultimate worth. It is a reflection of what you believe. And what you believe has eternal consequences for your soul.
If you get worship wrong, you have the wrong "god." If you have the wrong god, you have no god at all - just a lie leading to death. it's that important.