Have an authentic community
Have an authentic community
Places artistic community may be found:
- Art and Music Schools
- Performing Groups - local productions, maybe even competitions
- Festivals or other events
Online communities are a possibility on some level too. FaceBook has spearheaded this reality. One FB group we're leading is called Artists in Worship. You're welcome to join!
Authentic community is especially true when it comes to spiritual growth. Put another way, your spiritual growth has a lot to do with who you are around and who you allow to influence your life. What is authentic spiritual community? It's a place where people are being real - honest with who they are and honestly pursuing their growth with Christ - becoming who they really are through Christ. We shouldn't expect to find the perfect church or community, or a comfortable place. Authentic communities are made up of imperfect people so grace is necessary! Neither should it be comfortable. Imagine being one of the disciples with Jesus. He constantly challenged their assumptions and stretched their faith.
Places spiritual community may be found.
- The Local Church - obviously all churches should be places of authentic community, but sadly many are not. Here are a few thoughts.
- In many churches authentic community can be found in pockets or smaller groups. Don't look for the big group Sunday gatherings to be an oasis of community. The Sunday programming often doesn't allow for much interaction
- Ask if community is really a value among the leadership. Is it taught? Is it part of their mission?
- Is there a strategy showing its value? Is there a small group ministry or are serving groups intentionally relationally oriented?
- Other ministries - If you are a believer you should always be part of a worshiping church, but sometimes your deepest community may be found in another ministry you're part of. This is not surprising since we usually get involved in ministries we are passionate about, and there we find like-minded people. It is natural to have an affinity with these folks. Don't take it too far though. We can grow greatly when engage with God's multi-cultural body of Christ. We're destined to worship with people from every tribe and tongue and nation!
- Friends, leaders, or mentors you know who value authentic community are good sources.
- Online communities are a possibility on some level too - but don't let it be a replacement for face-to-face community. One FB group we're leading is called Artists in Worship. You're welcome to join!
- My wife and I have almost always been part of a small group ministry - leading groups from our home or on worship/serving teams. These are some of our most valued friendships and God has used so many to help us grow!