Authentic Artist Resources

Worshiping in truth...


Everyone worships. You may find that hard to accept, but once we define worship correctly I think you'll agree. And once we realize we're all on a journey of worshiping something or someone, we are compelled to understand it better and know what we are to do with it - because it affects all of our lives.

It's a bit like waking up on an airplane after a long nap (ambien anyone?) and realizing you are not dreaming, but you are actually on a plane in the air, headed somewhere. The difference with this "plane" is that you can actually change your destination. You can actually learn a better way and change the direction of your worship. We all should never stop learning about worship and seeking to deepen our intimate knowledge of God.

The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship - Matt Redmann

Some critical questions/answers:

What is worship?
Worship is an immense topic because the Bible reveals an awesome, loving, intimate and immense God! The story of…
Why is worship important?
If you're wondering why there is such a discussion over worship these days you're no alone…
Is worship all about church services?
When most people talk about worship, they think of a Sunday church or religious service…
What role do artists and the arts have in worship?
Artists and artistic expression have been around since the beginning…
How can a sinful person worship a holy God?
There is no question more important than this…


Worship and the Word - by Pamela Haddix