Authentic Artist Resources

Windows on Worship

Are you part of the SDBA community?


It’s part of modern life that we identify with groups having an acronym or abbreviation. Whether it’s to show one's political, dietary, gender preference or school affiliation, etc., the labels fly around us and we identify and are identified by them - and often incorrectly!  Of course, some of these labels are very superficial but others are very significant to us.

Our lives, however, are much more than just a label. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. This should be at the forefront of our identity and thoughts of about others too. And I think we will be awestruck on that day when all things are restored - on that DAY when Christ returns. Will we even recognize each other? It think so, but it’s good to keep in mind C.S. Lewis’ words:
 "remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree, helping each other to one or other of these destinations.” - “The Weight of Glory"

Still there’s more…as we grow in Christ we discover more of what He’s done for us and who we are through Him. We are Sons and daughters of God, Disciples of Christ, Bondservants of God and Ambassadors for Him - SDBA followers.


These truths hit at the heart. They will truly change your life and perhaps even your destiny if you embrace them.

It's a life-long process, but when individuals fully embrace their identity in Christ, their behavior and well-being are affected. When a community embraces this identity it stands out brightly in the world and attracts others.

In fact, it is revolutionary! It’s a revolution that started with Jesus and continues to this day. 

God has clearly bestowed these identities on all believers. The question is, "are we abiding and living from them and do we even understand them?" We naturally live in the world’s alternative: “I am who my parents said I am, what others think of me, what my performance has been, what group I belong to, etc.” But we must let God’s word confront and replace the false images the world has placed on us. You have been created in His image and though fallen because of sin, you can find restoration and newness of life in Jesus. Dig into His word and learn the biblical definition of these identities. Most of us have lost the meaning of many words, especially biblical terms.

Understanding, believing and applying these truths, by faith, will transform your daily living and interactions. Here are some Scriptures to meditate on and memorize. Use them confront the lies that attack your heart.

And ask yourself, “Do I really identify myself in this way? Do I believe this who I am at the core of my being or am I letting other 'labels' define me?” God has declared this about you. Believe them and live them out!

S - son (or daughter) of God. Definition: Having God as our father brings up many images from our past. Perhaps the place to start is with Jesus’ picture of a good father in Luke 15:11-32 - the prodigal son. This father was incredibly gracious and forgiving, longing for restoration and relationship. He celebrated over his wayward son’s return.
Having God as my father reminds me that I am delighted in and that he loves to be with me and care for me! I can rest in His love.
John 1:12
Romans 8:15,16

D - Disciple of Jesus Christ. Definition: . "The Greek term for “disciple” in the New Testament is mathetes, which means more than just “student” or “learner.” A disciple is a “follower,” someone who adheres completely to the teachings of another, making them his rule of life and conduct.” In the Jewish sense a disciple was a follower of the Rabbi. Disciples would seek to emulate their Rabbi in every way. And Jesus called his disciples, and He calls us to follow Him with complete abandon. Becoming a disciple occurs when we place our faith in Christ. Jesus bestows this title on us when we receive Him. And the fruit that comes from our faith is our discipleship. It's is a lifelong process and discovery of true life in Him. Are you taking up this identity? It may cost you everything in this world.
Having Jesus as my Rabbi reminds me that I am to be distinct from the world. And because He has redeemed me and gone before me, I can continue “in His steps” - continuing the cause - the revolution - he began in His resurrection power.

Matthew 28:18-20
Luke 14:25-33

B - Bondservant of God. Definition: A bondservant in Biblical times was a servant who willingly enrolled to be His masters’ servant for life. He loved his master, trusted, and believed in his master to the point of life-long commitment. The writers of the New Testament liked to identify themselves this way. Notice how they often began their letters, “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus,...” Rom 1:1, Titus1:1, Phil 1:1 Also, James, Peter and Jude began their letters this way. 
Having God as my Master reminds me that:
  • God is my first audience - the One I aim to please in all things.
  • I am His slave - He owns me - I’ll go wherever He sends and do whatever He wants. I die to my rights that I may live in His will.
  • I live for His fame and His enterprises - not mine
  • I am a steward of all he entrusts to me and will give account some day.
  • I long to here Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” (Note: He’s already declared me “good” by my union with Christ!)
Eph 6:6

A - Ambassador (and soldier) Definition: Ambassadors and soldiers are sent to other countries to represent and bring the agenda of their homeland. They have a specific purpose for their existence in that country. Being God's ambassador and soldier reminds me that I am left on this earth, each day, for His purposes - to be a reconciling and restoring force where ever I am. There are battles I'm called to fight and truths I'm called to proclaim. We have Christ's commission until our King returns! God wants to use us to seek and save the lost.  He wants to find us faithful until that day.
2Cor5:16- 21
Eph 6:10-19

So much more could be written about these identities (and has been by better writers than me.)
🙂 But, what are your thoughts? How do you confront the “false self” as some authors call it, and embrace your true self? What difference does it make? All of us live "from the inside, out."

Make these truths part of your morning declarations and the world will see a difference maker.

In the end it's about becoming who we already are in Christ - our sanctification - that we may reflect Christ's image to the world and do His will.

Soli Deo gloria!

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