Growing Out of the Wilderness
It’s hard not to miss the constant complaints Israel had with God in “the land between” found in the books of Exodus and Numbers. For years now I have been blessed to read through the Bible at least once a year – blessed definitely! I always find great encouragement, nourishment, and yes, reproof and challenge. The historical books go from scene to scene and I usually try to read an entire scene in one sitting if possible.
The book of Numbers has some incredible scenes often meant to teach us and show us how not to proceed as followers of Yahweh – Israel’s God. It covers their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land in which God miraculously led and provided for the massive group of former Egyptian slaves. Most obvious is the story of 12 spies sent to check out the Promised Land. (chapters 13-14) Ten of them fail to believe in God for Israel’s triumph over the land. Except for Joshua and Caleb, they all fell into disbelief and despair bringing the rest of Israel along. Of course, God responded with the consequential lessons of loss –
- loss of entrance into the promised land
- loss of life in a fruitful land
- hardship for their children for 40 years in the wilderness.
What about us? When we look at our own lives, we must realize we have the same types of tests before us. (1Cor10:1-13)
Every one of us begins a journey with God when we accept His Son as our Savior and Lord. It’s a journey of discovering
- who we now are in Christ
- why we should now live as his sons and daughters
- how we should now live in God's eternal kingdom.
The cycle of failure doesn’t have to continue for any of us. And it’s a blessing to realize that ultimately, God does bring us to maturity. (1Thess 5:23) But why bear the pain and loss? Why miss the blessings, fruitfulness, and adventure He has planned just because we don’t want to change? Of course, there’s a lot more to change than just our desire… that will have to be covered in other posts. But it starts with nurturing our desire and vision in Christ.
If there’s anything that marks an authentic Christian, it's the desire to worship God wholeheartedly. This means engaging in the ongoing battle of repentance, faith, and obedience by the Holy Spirit's power.
Eventually, God will bring us to maturity and fulfillment in the Promised Land. Let’s just keep growing out of the wilderness unbelief and disobedience.