Authentic Artist Resources

Equipping Worshipers and Musicians for God's Kingdom

Equipping Artists

Artists are specially gifted, creative craftsmen and women. If you’re one of them, the world needs you! And frankly, everyone is a well of creative potential from birth to last breath. But you need to develop your gifts. You need to discover a vision for your gifts and life. And you need to do it in relationship with other artists both as mentor and mentee, encourager and one encouraged. These are the keys to growth. So let us be a resource for not just the nuts and bolts of artistic development, but also the heart from which your life flows. Want a listening ear to your circumstances? Contact us for a one-time meeting or on-going coaching! We'd love to help.

Resourcing Churches

The heart of a church is its worship. Not the programming. Not the music. Not the preaching. Not the outreach. Not even the relationships among believers. At the very heart is the individual and corporate expressions of praise, adoration, confession and surrender to God himself - hearts living in relationship with Him. With a heart of authentic worship, a church can weather any storm, go through any transition, and be the salt and light in the world for which it was designed. Yes, we’re here to resource your ministry with training, consulting, leadership, musical and programming ideas. But our aim in every resource is to help the Church grow in Him and walk in authentic love and worship, glorifying His Name. How can we help?

Inspiring Worship

Worship - to ascribe worth - is all around us. We ascribe worth to many different things and people. But to whom or what do we ascribe ultimate worth - the kind that affects our thoughts and actions, feelings and direction? That thing or person is your god. And he or it is getting your worship. The question is, “are we worshiping the true God?” And the true God does inspire worship. Join us in learning and growing in this most important topic. You were designed for true worship of the true God - an ongoing, life-giving, never ending adventure and discovery.

Expanding God's Kingdom

This is where it gets fun. To think that God can use us to actually build His kingdom and lead people to eternal life is mind-blowing! He has a reason you are still living and breathing on this earth and it's tied to His kingdom purposes. Here is where you work out what He has worked in as you worship Him through your service! We must let His kingdom come not only into our hearts, but into our needy and broken world. Are you engaged with Him?